Happy almost-Fall! For many of us, this is our favorite time to learn, take classes, and pick up some new herbal books. If you feel the same way, check out our extensive list of upcoming herbal classes being offered throughout New England starting this month. All the details are below... And of course we look forward to seeing you at our next event, the popular Wintergreen Holiday Market, which will take place on Saturday, November 26th at the Armory! Harvesting the Bounty - Gathering and Storing Useful Plants
Sept 17th with Su Cousineau Mattapan, MA Register with Boston Nature Center Hall’s Pond Herb Walk September 21st with the CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism Brookline, MA http://commonwealthherbs.com/halls-pond-herb-walk-brookline/ Make Your Own Cocktail Bitters Sept. 22, 7pm with Ryn Midura The Armory, Somerville Register Here Building a Home Herbal Apothecary to Support Children's Health September 23 with Ashley Sapir Gardiner Public Library, Gardiner NY http://www.dreamkeeperbotanicals.com/education-events/ Aromatherapy Certification Course beginning September 24 with Linda Patterson Arlington, MA http://bostonherbalstudies.com/bostonherbalstudies.com/Classes.html What's All the Buzz About? Honeybees, Beekeeping & Our Environment Sept. 26, 7pm with Tony Lulek The Armory, Somerville Register Here Radical Mycology September 28th with Peter McCoy Brookline, MA http://commonwealthherbs.com/peter-mccoy-radical-mycology/ Wild Urban Plant Walk September 29nd, 5:00 - 5:45pm with Steph Zabel Melrose Farmers' Market www.flowerfolkherbs.com/calendar.html The Chakra Apprenticeship for Women beginning October 2016 with Debra Bluth online thechakraapprenticeship.com & seedandlegend.com Stronger Immunity - Medicinal Teas Oct 1st with Su Cousineau Mattapan, MA Register with Boston Nature Center A Nourished Postpartum: Herbal Allies and Diet for the “Fourth Trimester” October 1, 2016 with Krystina Friedlander GLOW Holistic Wellness Studio, York, ME http://glowbodywork.com/womens-wellness-workshops/#a-nourished-postpartum Herbal Solutions for Stress and Anxiety October 5 with Ashley Sapir Hudson Valley Midwifery Center, Kingston NY http://www.hudsonvalleymidwifery.com/classes-events Herbs for Midwives and Doulas October 5th - October 26th with the CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism Brookline, MA http://commonwealthherbs.com/herbs-midwives-doulas/ Backyard Bundles Eco-printing October 9 with Amy Lou Stein Craftwork Somerville https://www.craftwork.rocks Intermediate Herbal Studies starting Oct 13 for 10 weeks with Mischa Schuler and Katie Munn Portland, ME Contact [email protected] for registration Stronger Immunity - A Powerful Herbal Syrup for the Whole Family Oct 15th with Su Cousineau Mattapan, MA Register with Boston Nature Center Understanding the Progression of Lyme Disease: Chinese Medicine and Western Herbs October 15 with Brendan Kelly Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, VT http://www.railyardapothecary.com/classroom/ Lyme Practitioner Training beginning Oct. 17th with Tommy Priester Lincoln, MA http://bostonherbalstudies.com/bostonherbalstudies.com/Classes.html Prenatal Craft Hour: Making Herbal Sitz Baths October 18 with Ashley Sapir Hudson Valley Midwifery Center, Kingston NY http://www.hudsonvalleymidwifery.com/classes-events Not Your Grandmother's Lye Soap Oct. 19th, 7pm with Tony Lulek The Armory, Somerville Register Here Silent Forest Retreat October 21st - 23rd with the CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism Royalston, MA http://commonwealthherbs.com/silent-retreat/ Bitter is Better! An Herbal Tincture for Digestive Health Oct 29th with Su Cousineau Mattapan, MA Register with Boston Nature Center Know Your Cycles October 29, and offered again on November 19 with Krystina Friedlander GLOW Holistic Wellness Studio, York, ME http://glowbodywork.com/womens-wellness-workshops/#know-cycles-workshop Understanding the Progression of Lyme Disease: Chinese Medicine and Western Herbs October 29, 9am-1pm with Brendan Kelly Lyme Disease Resource Center, Inc, Northampton, MA http://www.sweetbirchherbals.com/workshop-schedule Free public talk: Understanding and Treating Lyme Disease October 29, 3-4:30pm Lyme Disease Resource Center, Inc, Northampton, MA http://www.lymedrc.org Herbs for Everyday Living: Fall Mini Series starting Nov. 1st for 4 weeks with Steph Zabel Melrose, MA www.flowerfolkherbs.com/herbs-for-everyday-living.html Herbal Oils and Salves - Soothing Aches and Pains Nov 5th with Su Cousineau Mattapan, MA Register with Boston Nature Center Madder Root: An Exploration of an Ancient Dye November 12 with Jackie Ottino-Graf Craftwork Somerville https://www.craftwork.rocks Get Buggy: Dyeing with Cochineal November 13 with Amy Lou Stein Craftwork Somerville https://www.craftwork.rocks Herbal Kitchen Pharmacy : Cooking Demonstrations November 13th with Brittany Wood Nickerson Natural Living Expo in Marlboro, MA www.thymeherbal.com/workshops Medicine-Making 101: Tinctures, Vinegars & Oxymels November 15th with Jade Alicandro Mace River Valley Co-op. Northampton, MA www.milkandhoneyherbs.com The Wintergreen Herbal Market! November 26th hosted by Herbstalk The Armory, Somerville, MA http://www.herbstalk.org/wintergreen-herbal-market.html To help you continue your herbal education throughout the next few months we've compiled a list of upcoming herb classes being offered by our Herbstalk teachers over the fall months.
And what a list it is! Here you go... Lyme Disease Practitioner Training Sept. 9, Sept. 23, Oct. 7, Oct. 22, Nov. 4, Nov. 19; 6:30-9:30pm 4 Minebrook Rd. Lincoln, MA MORE INFO From the Roots Up: A Course in Bioregional Herbalism Fall Session: Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 1 Amherst/Northampton, MA Area MORE INFO Back to School: Herbal Support for Memory and Focus September 14th 2015 Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Everyday Immunity with Herbs September 16: 6:30 - 8pm Davis Square, Somerville, MA MORE INFO Herbs for Pregnancy and Birthworkers Wednesday, September 16th - 7:00pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism MORE INFO Awakening the Spiritual Heart Intensive Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 2 4 StonyBrook Rd., Arlington, MA MORE INFO Fall Wild Herb Day Sept. 20, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Littleton, MA (address provided upon registration) MORE INFO Herbs for Pets Wednesday, September 23rd - 7:00pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism MORE INFO Book Signing/Reading:The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis September 23, 7PM Phoenix Books, Burlington, VT MORE INFO Plant Walk and Herbal Tincturing Workshop Sept. 24, 9:45-12:00 Littleton Community Farm MORE INFO Aromatherapy Certification Course Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5; 10am-5pm 12 Pelham Terr., Arlington, MA MORE INFO Botanical Modulators for Female Endocrine Stress Relating to Infertility, Mood Disorder, and the Menopausal Transition September 26th 9 am – 1 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Kimchi and Variations Sept. 29, 2:30-4:45 Free demonstration at the Farmers' Market in Westford, MA MORE INFO Herbal and Nourishing Broths Wednesday, September 30th - 7:00pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism MORE INFO Herbstalk Gardens' Harvest Gathering October 4; 2 - 4pm Southwest Corridor Garden, Jamaica Plain, MA MORE INFO coming soon! Creating Teas from Medicinal Herbs Oct. 5; 1 - 3pm Wellesley Botanic Gardens, Wellesley, MA MORE INFO Herbs for Everyday Living: Fall Series Oct. 7, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4; 6 - 8pm The Armory, Somerville, MA MORE INFO Herbal Support for the Post Partum Mom October 7th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO 10 Days of Real Food: A Clean Eating Group Program October 13th - October 22nd Online MORE INFO Book Signing/Reading:The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis October 14, 6PM Shelburne Farm, Shelburne, VT MORE INFO Making Your Own Herbal Bitters & Cordials Oct 17th, 12-2:30pm Greenfield, MA MORE INFO Herbal Gifts Oct. 22; 7 - 8:30pm Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Wellesley, MA MORE INFO Intro to Herbal Infusions: Teas, Tinctures, Oils, Wines, and Syrups October 21st 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Herbal Gifts Oct. 22; 7 - 8:30pm Stevens-Coolidge Place, Andover, MA MORE INFO Talk on "Internal Climate Change" October 23, 4PM Connecting for Change/Bioneers Conference, New Bedford, MA MORE INFO Poses & Plants: A Yoga & Herbal Workshop October 24 Coolidge Corner Yoga, Brookline, MA MORE INFO Stayin’ Juicy: DIY Herbal Lubes for Health and Happiness Wednesday, October 28th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Tammi Sweet: Stress, Relaxation, and the Heart Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 1, 2015 CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism MORE INFO Quit Smoking with Herbs! Wednesday, November 4th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Herbal Cordials and Wines Nov. 5; 7 - 8:30pm Mass. Hot Society, Wellesley, MA MORE INFO Herbal Ecology; Landscape As a Key to a Plant’s Character November 5, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $25 (Webinar) 12 Pelham Terrace, Arlington, MA MORE INFO Herbs for City Dwellers: The WELL Summit November 6-7 Boston, MA MORE INFO Herbs for Children and Picky Eaters Monday, November 9th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Herbal Approaches to Autoimmune Disorders November 10th, 6:30-8pm Northampton, MA MORE INFO Fun With Ferments: Learn The Basics of Lacto Fermentation Wednesday, November 11th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Mushrooms, Roots and Berries: Immune Stimulating Remedies for Winter Monday, November 16th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO Wintergreen Holiday Herbal Market! Nov. 28; 11am - 5pm The Armory, Somerville, MA MORE INFO Herbed Up! Winter Wellness from the Kitchen Monday, November 30th 2015 6-8 pm Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St. Montpelier, VT MORE INFO We hope that the knowledge, inspiration and connections you made at last month's Herbstalk will keep you going strong throughout the summer months. Summer is one of the best times to keep learning about herbs while all the plants are blooming and flourishing. So get out there and harvest your herbs, learn how to identify new plants, or just enjoy all the botanical beauty! To help you continue your herbal education throughout the next few months we've compiled a list of upcoming herb classes being offered by our Herbstalk teachers in July and August. Read on for the full details... Upcoming Herbal Classes: Permaculture for Herbalists
Wednesday, July 8th, 7-9pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism http://commonwealthherbs.com/permaculture-for-herbalists/ Somerville Street Plants Thursday, July 9th, 6:00 - 7:30pm Somerville Bike Path, Davis Square http://www.flowerfolkherbs.com/classes--events.html Herbs for Everyday Living: A 6 Week Introductory Course / Session 1 Mondays, July 13th - August 17th, 6:00 - 8:00pm The Armory, Somerville http://www.flowerfolkherbs.com/herbs-for-everyday-living-series.html Herbs for Everyday Living: A 6 Week Introductory Course / Session 2 Wednesdays, July 15th - August 19th, 6:00 - 8:00pm Union Square, Somerville http://www.flowerfolkherbs.com/herbs-for-everyday-living-series.html Hall's Pond Herb Walk Wednesday, July 15 5:30-6:30pm Hall's Pond, Brookline http://commonwealthherbs.com/halls-pond-herb-walk-brookline/ Practical Herbs for Diabetes Wednesday, July 15th, 7-9pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism http://commonwealthherbs.com/herbal-remedies-for-diabetes-class/ Herbal Infusions July 16th, 7:00 - 8:30pm Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Wellesley Details here Adapt to Stress Using Herbs July 18th, 10am - 12noon City Natives, Mattapan, MA http://www.thetrustees.org/things-to-do/greater-boston/event-1882.html The Art of Formulation & Infused Honeys & Syrups July 18th Old Ways Herbal, South Newfane, VT oldwaysherbal.com Four Season Tree Identification July 19th, 1-4pm Old Ways Herbal, South Newfane, VT oldwaysherbal.com From the Roots Up: Bioregional Herbalism Series Summer Session: July 19th & Aug 9th Amherst/Northampton, MA www.milkandhoneyherbs.com Wild Herb Week 1 July 20-23rd, M-Th. 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Littleton, MA (exact address provided on registration) http://meridiansofhealth.net/wild-herb-week/ Medicinal Plant Walk July 21st Lincoln, MA http://bostonherbalstudies.com/bostonherbalstudies.com/Classes.html Make An Herbal First Aid Kit Wedneday, July 22nd, 7-9pm CommonWealth Center for Holistic Herbalism http://commonwealthherbs.com/make-an-herbal-first-aid-kit/ Medicinal Herbs in the Vegetable Garden Intensive August 1st, 10-4pm Old Ways Herbal, South Newfane, VT oldwaysherbal.com Herbs for Health: A Garden Tour August 15th, 4:00 - 5:30pm The Stevens-Coolidge Place, North Andover http://www.flowerfolkherbs.com/classes--events.html Medicinal Oils & Salves (Home Medicine Maker Course) August 15th, 11-3pm Old Ways Herbal, South Newfane, VT oldwaysherbal.com Wild Herb Week 2 August 17-20th, M-Th. 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Littleton, MA (exact address provided on registration) http://meridiansofhealth.net/wild-herb-week/ Mint Family Plant Walk August 27th, 6-7:30pm Northampton, MA www.milkandhoneyherbs.com |
November 2023