by Natalie Johnson of Gaia Gems
We live in a time of great change and upheaval. The condition of our own mind and health is mirrored in the fluctuating state of the environment. Increasing incidence of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and chaos in all forms show that the Earth is restless and in distress. Much of what we see is the result of humanity’s ignorance of natural law. Because we have become disconnected from the natural world and no longer see ourselves as a part of the Web of Life, we make decisions that further disrupt the balance of nature and help to create the aberrant weather patterns that are on the rise. We have set ourselves apart from the rest of nature and we do not understand our interconnectedness and interdependence, resulting in making choices that adversely affect all of creation. As Gaia struggles to regain her equilibrium, so too must we. We must work to recover that which is sacred and right within ourselves and in our own lives as an important first step in making changes to the ecological crises that we face. The recent unprecedented heat wave continuing to manifest across the globe can be seen as a direct reflection of our own rise in anger, hatred, senseless destruction and unbridled greed. The dangerously high temperatures worldwide can be seen as metaphor for our own unchecked emotional eruptions. Neither humanity nor the Earth can withstand such extremes for long. In order to become effective agents of positive change, we must each look deep within ourselves and seek to restore our own inner balance and well-being. We must return to abiding by natural law as the highest authority. We must understand in our core that we are a part of the Web of Life along with all other-than-human beings and that everything is alive and has Spirit. Our capacity for critical thinking does not put us ahead of other life forms in importance. Rather, it calls us to a place of greater responsibility toward the planet we call home. We must become a voice for all those who are at this time not heard. We tend to protect that which we love and understand. All of us, regardless of ethnicity or country of origin have ancestors who lived their lives in a world that was sacred. It was a world of wonder and miracles. They planted by the moon and the seasons, navigated by the stars, studied plants and animals to learn what to eat and how to make medicine. From the generosity of the world around them they fed, clothed, sheltered and healed themselves. They created ritual and celebration to honor the spirits of the land. They gave thanks on a daily basis for their lives. They rose early to greet each new day for they knew that the sun gave life to all. To them, everything was important, everything was connected, everything was sacred. It was incomprehensible to use the Earth for their own greed, to take without giving back, to abuse the land, to take things for granted, to neglect to offer thanks or prayer. This is what has been lost and this is what we must bring back. I invite all of us to go out and reestablish that connection with Mother Earth. In spite of our transgressions, She still wants to have a conversation with us. It is the way of mothers to always be there for us no matter what. Our spiritual growth is intertwined with Hers and She cannot evolve to her full potential without us. You can start small. Just go out in your backyard or to a place in nature that you enjoy. Make yourself quiet, center yourself and just “be”. Notice who is around - - plants, birds, insects, animals, the breeze on your face, the sun on your skin. Make known your intention to connect and then just wait. It might take a few times but it will happen. There are many things we all can do to tread more lightly on the planet. But perhaps the most meaningful place to start is to just notice what is around you and sit quietly and offer Mother Earth your love. She needs to hear and feel that. She has been waiting a long time for us to come home. Her arms are outstretched and Her heart is open. Let’s run to Her now. |
November 2023